The provision of reasonable accommodations and services is based upon the current impact of the student’s medical condition on a major life activity, such as walking, talking, hearing, sleeping, or learning. Because the nature of many medical conditions is such that remissions can occur, we require recent documentation (no older than one year) from a physician who is qualified in the identification and treatment of the condition, and which contains the following information:

  • Discussion of confirmatory evidence of the presence of the condition should include discussion of the severity of the condition, in terms of the degree to which it impairs normal life activities – providing specific details of the student’s limitations. It is important to note that diagnosis is not synonymous with disability.
  • Discussion of how the condition currently impacts the student’s ability to participate, learn, and demonstrate knowledge in a traditional academic environment.
  • Current treatment plan and the student’s response to treatment; if medications are used, a discussion of side effects that impact cognitive processes.
  • Recommendations for accommodations must include a discussion of how provision of such accommodations will help circumvent difficulties resulting from the condition, and thus help ensure equal access to the programs of the college.

Since health conditions may change over time, an updated report may at times be necessary if the student’s symptoms have changed or worsened.

Criteria for the following conditions:

Blind or Low Vision

  • Assessment or evaluation from an ophthalmologist detailing the functional limitations of the disability
  • Recommended accommodations
  • The age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon whether the disabling condition is static or changing

Deaf or Hard of Hearing

  • Audio-gram by a licensed audiologist
  • Summary detailing the functional limitations of the disability
  • Recommended accommodations
  • The age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon whether the disabling condition is static or changing

Physical Mobility/Dexterity

  • Diagnosis of the disabling condition
  • Description of the functional limitations of the disability
  • Expected duration or progression of condition
  • Recommended accommodations
  • The age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon whether the disabling condition is static or changing

Speech Impairments

  •  A clearly written statement of the disability diagnosed by a qualified professional (i.e. physician, speech/language pathologist, neurologist)
  • A summary of how these impairments affect the student in a post-secondary environment
  • Recommended accommodations

Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion)

  • A clearly written statement of the disability diagnosed by a qualified professional (i.e. physician, neurologist, Bailey Health Center)
  • Expected duration or progression of condition
  • Recommended accommodations
  • The documentation should be recent (within a week or so)

The report from the physician must be typed on official letterhead, and include the physician’s name, professional credentials, and date.